Good morning, TPS Families! This week's Update has just landed in your in-boxes. Please take a look at your earliest convenience. We wish you a peaceful and safe Sunday!
Good Morning, TPS Families! This week's Update has just landed in your in-boxes, and it's full of lots of helpful and important information to make for a great week to come. Please take a look at your earliest convenience. We hope you enjoy the beautiful day today!
Beginning tomorrow - Wednesday, March 31 - all Hoosiers 16+ are eligible to register for a COVID-19 vaccination. We are so grateful to the family members of our students who are getting vaccinated in order to keep all of our kiddos and our school as safe as possible. To find vaccination sites, click the link at the top of this page!
TPS FAMILIES - We hope that you are enjoying a beautiful weekend to wrap up spring break. This week's Update has landed in in-boxes a day early, to get us all on the same page for the start of our final quarter of the school year. We are so pleased to report that 90% of our 52 staff members have now received at least the first half of their vaccine protocol, with 47 of 52 having received at least one dose, and 20 of the 47 having completed their vaccination. This allows our entire school to be safer. We are also grateful to all adult family members who we have seen through social media and other messages doing the same. The reality is that until there is a safe vaccine for children, we must rely on the adults in our community to do their part to keep our students safe and our school open. We are so grateful to each and every one of you who are doing your part! Beginning this coming Wednesday, EVERY adult (16+!) who lives in Indiana will now be eligible to receive the vaccine. Thanks for being a part of this important solution to the light at the end of the tunnel. We recognize that, once again as we reenter school from a break, we are a nation in crisis, with devastating gun violence and devastating racism and discrimination dominating the news. As always, we will be here to support our students and families in this moment of potential grief and fear. For several years, TPS has utilized the Learning for Justice (previously Teaching for Tolerance) curriculum in the framing of our annual Compelling and Generative Topics and in our P3 work. This excellent resource provides a launching point for the deep work we do with our students in the exploration of identity, inclusion, diversity and anti-racism. We will continue to utilize this source as we support students through these new national tragedies. We are pleased to learn that our local traditional district has just put a similar curriculum into place in their schools, as well. This will serve our entire community so well. We are extremely grateful for all of the flexibility and support we have received from our families during this unusual year. We are eager to make these final weeks as special, engaging and meaningful as possible!
Wishing all of our families and staff a beautiful, restful and SAFE 2-week spring break beginning this afternoon! We cannot wait to see you all again on March 29!
On Friday, March 5, The Project School reported one (1) confirmed case of COVID-19 through the State dashboard for school reporting; however, when completing the report the same student case ending up appearing multiple times. We then attempted to delete all but one, but the deletions did not work. We left a message about the technical problem with the ISDH. We suspect that due to the sheer volume of calls in the midst of a global pandemic, whoever received the message was unable to call us back. After the article published in the Herald Times on Tuesday, March 9 reported an erroneous number of cases, we reached out again to the State through an email to attempt to have the issue of incorrect data resolved.
In our rush yesterday to share corrected data with our families and the community in order to alleviate concern, we inadvertently placed responsibility for this reporting error on the HT. However, we recognize that the error came about through a glitch in the state’s online reporting system, and that the HT received their data from this system. While we wish that the HT would have reached out to us for confirmation and clarification (so that we could have had the opportunity to inform them of the technical glitch before their reporting), we do recognize that the data error itself was not theirs and that they were simply publishing the information they had received. We apologize for mischaracterizing the original source of the error.
As we have been since the onset of COVID, we have been completely forthright in our communication with our families and our community about this matter. We contacted anyone who had any possible need to know of this one reported case. We greatly appreciate those who reached out to us with messages of concern after seeing the inaccurate report!
We learned just now that the HT erroneously published that TPS has 20 new reported cases of COVID. This data is highly incorrect. We actually reported ONE new case of an asymptomatic student, who has not had close contact with any other student or with any adult member of our school community. The HT apologizes for the glitch in their online reporting system, which accidentally inserted an incorrect number. They will be printing a correction. TPS will always be completely transparent about COVID data and about all other aspects of our school. Our appreciation to those who contacted us with concern!
Good Morning, TPS Families! This week's Update has just landed in in-boxes. Please take a look at your earliest convenience. Wishing you a beautiful and safe Sunday!
We are searching for outstanding teacher candidates for next school year!
The 2021-2022 lottery closes in just 2 hours. Don't delay if you plan to apply!
Good Morning, TPS Families! This week's Update has just landed in your in-boxes. Please take a look at your earliest convenience, as we all head into a great week together. Wishing you a peaceful and safe Sunday!
We love being downtown! We're so close to many amazing resources - the public library, parks, theatre, museums, IU - to name just a few. They enrich what we do every day. And we're right where we need to be for families and staff who rely on public transit.
We know our location can sometimes bring challenges (traffic, construction, parking!). We appreciate our families and staff who know that it's worth it. We're also grateful to kind neighbors who partner with us on staff parking solutions: Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloomington, Urban Station, City of Bloomington, IN - Parks and Recreation, and the delicious Bedräk Cafe and The Chocolate Moose.
And just when we didn't think we could be more thankful to be here, we discover a super sweet video posted by a residential neighbor, sharing the story of the best part of her pup's day: when TPS students shower him with love while traveling safely to and from the park. It's great to be part of Bloomington's downtown!×tamp=1614347440&tt_from=more&u_code=dbdi7gb6dcejb5&user_id=6806679677453927429&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=more&source=h5_m&is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6903949396501857798&fbclid=IwAR3kvIs3dKBl3vtjlbIK2JSByttir5iNZwiPy621U8SrPKquGam9olqop0A
Only four more days until the lottery closes for the 2021-2022 academic year - Monday, March 1 at 5pm. We are so grateful for the beautiful response we have received so far. But we want to make sure that everyone interested has the opportunity to apply! Please share the application link, and let your contacts know why TPS is such a wonderful school community!
Happy Sunday, TPS families! This week’s Update has landed in your in-boxes. Please remember that tomorrow is a scheduled conference day, so there are no classes in any format. We hope that you enjoy a peaceful long weekend. Keep an eye out for any weather-related announcements as we move into the week together. Be safe!
TPS Families - please remember that Monday (February 15) is an optional conference day. There will be no classes (F2F or virtual). If you are in need of childcare, the Lincoln Street Boys & Girls Club is offering camp that day, and they still have spaces available. Wishing everyone a restful and safe long weekend!
Tuesday, February 9: As you know, we follow the decisions of MCCSC for weather cancellations or delays. As a result, The Project School will be all virtual (no F2F) today due to inclement weather. Watch for emails from your child's teacher, stay safe and warm, and be sure to spend some time enjoying this beautiful snow. Stay safe!
Today is World Read Aloud Day! Join us on FACEBOOK LIVE at 4:30p TODAY for a very special book reading by our magical school leader, Ms. Cathy!
Tomorrow – Wednesday, February 3 – is NATIONAL READ ALOUD DAY! And what could be better than hearing a story read by our magical school leader, Ms. Cathy??? Join us LIVE on our Facebook page at 4:30pm tomorrow to hear Ms. Cathy share one of her fave books. Can't make it? We'll post it to our YouTube channel so you can check it out later!
Happy Monday, TPS community! We hope that everyone is having a great and SAFE day!
Good Morning, TPS Families! This week's Update has just landed in your in-boxes. Please take a look so that we're all on the same page for the start of the new week together. Wishing you a peaceful and safe Sunday!